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All Fascinears® are individually marked with (internet patent information) ─ where users can go to learn more about the device’s patent protection. This web page is routinely reviewed and updated.


Provisional Patent Application (PPA) 08/03/2021

EFS ID: 43420217

Application Number: 63229068

Confirmation Number: 6306

Pierce-Free Lower-Ear Chiral Ear-Latcher Jewelry and Computer-Software Method and Hand-Held Implements for Sizing and Fitting the Same


Non-Provisional Patent Application (NPA) 08/03/2022

EFS ID: 46337986

Application Number: 17880625

Confirmation Number: 3768

Ergonomic Pierce-Free Weight-Bearing Earrings, Earring Components and Methods for Making and Fitting Same


FASCINEARS® Trademark:

Trademark Registration Issued 05/02/2023 # 7044151 Receipt of Notice of Allowance for FASCINEARS U.S. Serial No.: 90/862, 865 from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) allowance notice August 2, 2022.

Original filing date 08/03/2021

Statement of Use (SOU) filing date 02/27/23

Docket/Reference Number BLI_FAS_TM1

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  • Jewelers of America NY Trade Convention Spring and Fall

  • USPTO patent pending

  • USPTO Trademark for Fascinears® Officially Issued 05/02/2023 with allowance found 08/03/22

  • The Concept Law Group, FL

  • The Edison Law Group, D.C.

  •  SCORE

  • The Venture Mentoring Team

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